[Ebook.C3W7] Legendary Rogues (Legendary Classes) (Volume 2)
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. [Ebook.C3W7] Legendary Rogues (Legendary Classes) (Volume 2), this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2015-06-25
Released on:
Original language: English
Rogues Always Steal the Show! Legendary Rogues is the latest volume in our new series of class-focused player supplements, this one focused at the fast-talking tricksters, stealthy pilferers, and happy-go-lucky scoundrels that populate every great adventure story. From their earliest incarnations as thieves and assassins, rogues have broadened their reach into all manner of specialties, becoming skill specialists and deadly strikers, leaping from surprise to carve up their enemies, yet there is still much farther for them to go. Legendary Rogues revisits the core class abilities of the Pathfinder rogue in both its core and unchained version, exploring its offensive and defensive capabilities as well as its versatility with skills (including unchained skill unlocks) and rogue talents, giving not only new mechanics but also alternate rules and advice on implementation. The rogue's arsenal is further enhanced with a collection of feats to enliven and expand the rogue's capabilities. Legendary Rogues lives up to its name by offering an entirely new version of the rogue class, the Legendary Rogue, including an array of archetypes specifically tailored for it. Finally, we reach back to the roots of the rogue class with a brand-new prestige class, the Master Thief, a lord of larceny that will leave heroes and villains alike clutching their purses and hiding their hoards! Check out this 48-page product today and Make Your Game Legendary! You may also want to check out Legendary Paladins for your holiest of heroes, or Legendary Villains: Antipaladins and Legendary Villains: Dark Druids, for your vilest villains, every one of them truly legendary! /tg/ - Tabletop Games The following has been sent to QA testers. For info about becoming a QA tester cleaning services donation info missing lists and updates see ... Browse By Author: B - Project Gutenberg Baader Bernhard Neugesammelte Volkssagen aus dem Lande Baden und den angrenzenden Gegenden (German) (as Editor) Baarslag C. Beatrice (Dutch) (as Translator) Micaiah Fire Emblem Wiki Fandom powered by Wikia Micaiah with a young Sothe. Before Mad King Ashnard declared war on Crimea Micaiah's early occupation was that of a fortune teller in Daein. During this time she ... Pathfinder RPG Compatible Products - paizo.com - Paizo 2002-2017 Paizo Inc. Privacy Policy Contact Us Need help? Email customer.service@paizo.com or call 425-250-0800 during our business hours Monday through ... Browse By Author: F - Project Gutenberg Faber A. W. The Lead Pencil Manufactory of A. W. Faber at Stein near Nrnberg Bavaria (English) (as Author) Faber Ulricus. See: Schmidel Ulrich 1510?-1579? Dragonsfoot - First Edition AD&D On behalf of Dragonsfoot welcome to the First Edition Advanced Dungeons And Dragons Section. Kobold - Wikipedia The kobold (occasionally cobold) is a sprite stemming from Germanic mythology and surviving into modern times in German folklore. Although usually invisible a kobold ... Craft (Int) - Pathfinder_OGC - d20pfsrd.com 5 Ranks: When determining your weekly progress double the result of your Craft check before multiplying the result by the item's DC. 10 Ranks: You do not ruin any of ... Bard (Dungeons & Dragons) - Wikipedia Bard; A Dungeons & Dragons character class; Publication history; First appearance: The Strategic Review - Volume 2 Number 1: Editions: All except "Basic" (as a ... Heroes of Dragon Age - Wikia Heroes of Dragon Age is a freemium game released on 5th December 2013 for iOS and Android...
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