[Ebook.5rft] Stop Smoking Easily Without Cravings In 60 Minutes - Latest Bioresonance Technology
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. [Ebook.5rft] Stop Smoking Easily Without Cravings In 60 Minutes - Latest Bioresonance Technology, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2013-03-28
Released on: 2013-03-28
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Who is this book for'Stop Smoking Easily Without Cravings In 60 Minutes' is an introduction to bioresonance stop smoking therapy for smokers.With a success rate of around 90% it is by far the most effective and safest method to stopping smoking for good because it is the only method that actually removes the addiction! ▪Richard and Judy quoted 7% success rate with nicotine patches and gum▪Acupuncture and hypnosis have been known to produce a 30% success rate▪Smoking cessation clinics have shown a 15% success rate▪Going “cold turkey” has about a 3% success rateHere you'll find out exactly what bioresonance is as well asWhat cigarette companies would rather you didn’t know.Why you can't stop smoking cold turkey.The incredible truth behind why the NHS or doctors don't recommend the therapy.How bioresonance therapy compares with other smoking cessation treatments.What happens when you stop smoking.Written by Carol Adams who until seeing the coverage and then having the treatment herself was a 30 per day for 30 years smoker, it covers everything you need to know including access to some of the TV videos mentioned and information on where you can get the treatment yourself including how to get a FREE personal consultation with Carol herselfBioresonance therapy has had so much positive press coverage recently that you have probably already heard of it. For example, it was covered by BBC News 24, the Richard Judy Show and various other forms of media including the Telegraph where two sceptical journalists had the exact same treatment, with the exact same equipment seen here. They could not believe the results.Carol has successfully treated literally thousands of smokers and here you will also find just a sprinkling of her testimonials.Who this book is not for!This book is not a self help book!
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